Phototherapy Minimal Erythemal Dose (MED) test
A test on your skin to determine your starting dose in the phototherapy cabinet – to test what your skin can tolerate
Read moreA test on your skin to determine your starting dose in the phototherapy cabinet – to test what your skin can tolerate
Read moreAdvice to assist you in returning back to normal following your fractured ankle
Read moreOutlines the symptoms and causes of jaw joint pain and shows exercises that can help you to manage your symptoms
Read moreWhat to expect on your first visit to the Physiotherapy Outpatients Department
Read moreThis leaflet gives you advice and information following your pipelle biopsy.
Read moreOutlines the treatment options for pituitary tumours, including surgery, radiotherapy and drug therapy
Read moreYou will have been given this leaflet because you have been diagnosed with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) during your pregnancy.
Read moreYou will have been given this leaflet because you have been diagnosed with placenta praevia during your pregnancy.
Read moreLink to the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists website for further information on the signs and symptoms of these conditions and how they are treated.
Read moreManagement advice and exercises for people diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, a condition causing pain in the heel, sole and /or arch of the foot
Read moreAn overview of calf muscle stretch exercises that can be done after a plaster cast has been removed and plaster cast care for children and young people with neurological conditions
Read moreExplains a treatment used for common orthopaedic conditions, including lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) or medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow) in your elbow, impingement syndrome in your shoulder
Read moreAdvice and instructions for taking Plenvu bowel preparation in readiness for your colonoscopy procedure
Read moreAdvice and instructions for taking Plenvu bowel preparation in readiness for your colonoscopy procedure
Read moreExplains what a pneumothorax is and how it is treated, and gives advice to aid your recovery at home
Read moreInformation for women diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - explaining what the management options are
Read moreThis leaflet explains what polycystic ovary syndrome is, how it is diagnosed, how it may affect you and how it is managed.
Read moreDietary and lifestyle advice on managing the symptoms of PCOS
Read moreThis leaflet provides information on RSV and the vaccination which is available for all pregnant women from September 2024.
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