Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
66 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:47 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
0:51 Hours
Average time in the department

Call 4 Concern

Call 4 Concern is a patient safety service run by the Critical Care Outreach Team.

Call 4 Concern enables patients and families to call for immediate help and advice if they feel that the health care team has not recognised their own, or their loved one’s changing condition.

When to use Call 4 Concern

Contact Call 4 Concern directly if:

  • a noticeable change in the patient occurs, and you feel that the health care team is not recognising your concern
  • you feel there is confusion over what needs to be done for the patient and you need clear information about what is happening
  • you have ongoing concerns after you have spoken to the ward nurse or doctor

Call 4 Concern is a patient safety service. To report problems regarding your hospital bed, room, food, parking or any other general issues, please speak to your nurse, ward manager or PALS.

Using Call 4 Concern will not negatively affect the patient’s care in any way. We recognise that sometimes the patient or a close loved one can see that something is wrong before the health care team does. No one knows your health care needs or those of your loved one, better than you and your family.  

Responding To Your Call

When the Call 4 Concern Team receive your call, they will need to know the patient’s name and the ward they are on, as well as a brief description of the problem.

After prioritising the urgency of the problem, the team will visit you on the ward to discuss your concerns, assess the situation and instigate treatment or further review if necessary.

The C4C team will liaise with the patient’s medical team and other healthcare professionals as needed, to discuss further treatment options.

Sometimes, we are unable to take your call immediately, but please leave a message providing the same information as above, and a contact number. We will get back to you as soon as possible.