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66 People
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0:13 Hours
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1:15 Hours
Average time in the department

Council of Governors

Notification of Governor Elections 2024

Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust will be holding its annual elections to appoint new governors and fill posts on the Council of Governors.  The elections will launch from Monday 17 June 2024.


Our Council of Governors is the voice of the people we serve, and it helps set our priorities and plays a key role in the shaping of future services, based on our members’ views.


Each governor has a constituency and is committed to talking to local people to make sure your voices and opinions on the Trust are heard. The Trust’s Constitution sets out the principles of how the Council of Governors is governed.


If you are interested in being involved, find out more about what it means to be a governor and apply to stand in this year’s elections. 


To be eligible to be a governor you must be a member of the constituency you wish to stand for and be 16 or over. To register as a member visit our membership page or to find out more please contact Caroline Lynch, Trust Secretary, on 0118 322 5335 


Read our 'Become a Governor' booklet where you can hear more about the expectations of the Governor role to help you decide whether you wish to stand in the 2024 elections.


The elections are open for the following terms and constituencies: 

Public Governor, Reading – 1 x 3 years

Public Governor, Reading – 1 x 1 year

Public Governor, Wokingham – 3 x 3 years

Public Governor, East Berkshire & Borders – 2 x 3 years

Public Governor, South Oxfordshire – 1 x 3 years

Staff Governor, Admin/Management – 1 x 3 year

Staff Governor, Allied Health Professional/Scientific – 1 x 2 years

Staff Governor, Health Care Assistant/Ancillary – 1 x 3 years

Staff Governor, Nursing/Midwifery – 1 x 3 years


Please visit here and click the ‘complete my nomination form’ button to submit a nomination form.


The election deadline for the return of completed nomination forms is Monday 15 July 2024 at 5.00PM.


Notice Of Election

Our Council of Governors is the voice of the people we serve, and it helps set our priorities and shape our services, based on our members’ views. You need to be a member of the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust in order to be considered for election as a governor.

Who are governors?

The Council of Governors is chaired by the Chair of the Trust and consists of:

  • 15 public governors
  • 5 staff governors
  • 1 volunteer governor
  • 1 youth governor
  • 6 partner governors

To contact the Council of Governors please email 


What does a Governor do?

As a Foundation Trust, our governors play a very important role in how the Trust is run. By law, the governors:

  • appoint, remove and decide terms of office (including remuneration) of the Chair and other Non-Executive Directors
  • approve the appointment of the Chief Executive (CEO)
  • appoint or remove the Trust Auditors
  • review the annual accounts, Auditor’s Report and Annual Report and hold an Annual General Meeting
  • present views on the Board of Directors’ future plans

Other responsibilities include: 

  • represent the interests and views of our Trust Members in their constituency
  • play an ambassadorial role, representing the interests of the Trust and adhering to its values
  • assist with Member recruitment
  • contribute content for our Member communications, surveys and consultations
  • attend Member meetings, events and talks
  • attend local events on behalf of the Trust
  • provide an important link with the local community


How do I become a Governor?

We hold local elections for governors regularly. To become a governor, you need to be 16 or older and already a member of our Trust.

You can nominate yourself or someone else to become a governor.

Find out more about becoming a governor by emailing Caroline Lynch:


Corporate Governance contact details:

Corporate Governance Office
Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust
Craven Road

0118 322 5335 


Meet the Governors 



East Berkshire and Borders

West Berkshire and Borders

South Oxfordshire and Borders

Partner Governors

Staff Governors

Tom Lister

Staff Governor: Allied Health Professionals/Scientific

Volunteer Governors

Youth Governor