Buscot Ward
Level 6, Maternity Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
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Buscot Ward
Buscot Ward cares for babies that are born early or is unwell. While this may not have been the start you had expected, everyone in Buscot is here to support you.
Buscot is the local neonatal unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, which takes babies from 27 weeks gestation onwards. The unit is made up of an intensive care area and three other nurseries.
Buscot is divided into four nurseries. Your baby will most likely start in the Red Nursery which provides the most acute, high level care to babies. When a baby no longer needs this level of care they will be moved to a different room. This could be either the Green or Yellow Nursery where most babies remain in incubators. As their clinical needs decrease babies may move to the Blue Nursery. At this point babies are in the final phase of their stay and are normally not far from discharge home.
In addition to the nurseries, we also have a family room for parents, and carers; expressing rooms for mothers, a quiet room, flats for overnight stays and a parents' lounge.
Explore the ward with our 3D tour.
Access information on family integrated care to support you after the birth of your baby.