Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
67 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:16 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
2:45 Hours
Average time in the department

Contact details

Advice Line 0118 322 7691


Level 2, South Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
Berkshire RG1 5AN


Anticoagulation Clinic

The Anticoagulation Clinic supports patients on Warfarin in the Reading, Wokingham and West Berkshire Area.

The aim of anticoagulation is to prevent blood clots through the use of anticoagulant medication. Patients can be on anticoagulants for a variety of reasons including: strokes, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolisms and deep vein thrombosis. 

Our team provide a variety of services including:

  • Managing outatients on Warfarin through our daily phone and postal clinics.
  • Providing a full counselling service to all patients starting on warfarin.
  • Providing advice and guidance for all patients, GPs and healthcare professionals in Primary and Secondary care.

To ensure patients are safely anticoagulated on Warfarin, they will need to be monitored through regular INR blood tests. Patients can have these done either at their surgery, Bracknell Healthspace, West Berkshire Community Hospital or at Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Please contact the Clinic if:

  • You are a patient requiring advice.
  • You are a healthcare professional needing advice or wanting to refer a patient.