Contact details
Levels 1 and 2, Centre Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
Patient information leaflets
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Radiology is a medical specialty that uses imaging to diagnose and treat diseases seen within the body. Radiographers and Radiologists use a variety of imaging techniques, such as:
- X-Ray - uses X-rays to look through tissue to examine bones, cavities and foreign objects.
- CT (computed tomography) – provides cross-sectional views (slices) of the body allowing disease to be identified and localised.
- Ultrasound - uses high frequency sound waves. This technique is widely used for the diagnosis of a wide range of abdominal, vascular or musculoskeletal conditions.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) – provides high quality cross-sectional views of the body without the need for radiation.
The MRI, Fluoroscopy, Interventional Radiology and Line Insertion services are based within the Main X-Ray (Radiology) Department, and can be found on Level 1 in the Centre Block of the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
The outpatient CT service is separately located in the CT scanning suite adjacent to the main department, also accessed from Level 1.