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Level 2, Eye Block
Royal Berkshire Hospital
Craven Road
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Orthoptists are experts in the investigation, diagnosis and management of disorders of binocular vision (such as squint) and visual development. They work closely with patients of all ages to manage various conditions such as amblyopia (lazy eye), reading difficulties, squint and double vision.
They will use various treatment methods, such as glasses, eye patches, prisms, exercises and eye drops to treat these conditions.
The orthoptists work both independently and closely alongside ophthalmologists (eye doctors) and optometrists to manage a patient's condition.
Orthoptists at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust also work in extending role clinics with ophthalmologists, diagnosing and managing patients with glaucoma, or age-related macular degeneration. They also play a key role in working with low vision patients alongside our Eye Clinic Liaison Officers.
In addition, the orthoptic department provide technical assessments such as visual field tests, OCT scans, imaging and corneal topography.
The Orthoptic department also manages the optometry service provided by the Trust. Our team of highly skilled optometrists provide eye tests for children's glasses, complex contact lens appointments, as well as working in extended role services.