Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
66 People
Number of people in A&E department
1:47 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
0:51 Hours
Average time in the department


The Trust is committed to actively promote equality of opportunity for all disabled people. The Trust will work to ensure institutional systems do not discriminate, and that the day to day experience of disabled people entering the Trust as staff, patients, visitors or volunteers is positive.

The Trust also recognises that disability is extremely diverse and that no one disabled person’s experience is exactly the same as another. We seek to ensure that the full spectrum of disability issues is represented in our actions to promote disability equality and remove the social and physical barriers faced by disabled people.

All information on these pages can be made available in large print or Braille on request - please telephone 0118 322 8338 or email:  

Changing Places

The Changing Places facility is located in Royal Berkshire Hospital Level 1 by the main entrance; the toilet is locked with a key available 24/7 from security at Main reception on Level 2. AccessAble Accessibility Guide

Easy Read information

The Trust has also developed a range of Easy Read leaflets for patients with communication difficulties. If you would like any Trust information leaflet in Easy Read format please contact one of the Learning Disability Liaison Nurses via email: or call: 0118 322 8159. 

For support to read this website, each page has the Reachdeck toolbar.

Hospital Passport

The hospital passport is designed to give hospital staff helpful information about you. Download your hospital passport.

Your passport includes important information about you as well as your likes and dislikes and helps all the hospital staff know how to make you feel comfortable and safe. If you go into hospital, your hospital passport should go with you. The doctors and nurses should make a copy and put the copy in your hospital notes.

If you are going to be an inpatient, and stay in the hospital overnight, your hospital passport should be next to your bed so that anyone treating you can take a look at it.

Macmillan Easy Read Leaflets

Macmillan Cancer Support have produced many useful information sheets for people with learning disabilities. These range from screening to having tests, treatments and end of life care.

Shared Decision Making

Health Education England have produced two easy read guides aimed at giving you the tools you need to have a conversation with a healthcare professional and make decisions with them on your care:


This website can be translated into over 100 different languages using the Reachdeck toolbar.