Uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty (UPPP) aftercare advice
Advice for patients who have had UPPP (operation to help snoring). which involves trimming the soft palate and removal of uvula
Read moreAdvice for patients who have had UPPP (operation to help snoring). which involves trimming the soft palate and removal of uvula
Read moreGives you advice and information following treatment that required a general anaesthetic (i.e. you were asleep).
Read moreExplains forthcoming treatment and has answers to many of the commonly asked questions
Read moreExplains what happens in the EAU and what you can expect when you attend
Read moreGives advice on preventing further bleeds and what to do if you do get a nose bleed, following cautery (treatment with silver nitrate stick to stop bleeding)
Read moreInformation about ear operations which include combined approach tympanoplasty, modified radical mastoidectomy and cortical mastoidectomy
Read moreExplains surgery to repair a hole (perforation) in the eardrum
Read moreAdvice following surgery to make a small cut in the eardrum to insert tiny tubes called grommets which act as a ventilation tube
Read moreInstructions on how to use your steroid nasal sprays and saline washes
Read moreAdvice following nasal surgery (septorhinoplasty)
Read moreAdvice following functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), septoplasty, submucous resection of the septum, middle meatal antrostomy, reduction of inferior turbinates and nasal polypectomy
Read moreInstructions for patients prescribed nose drops to treat or manage a condition
Read moreExplains what happens when you come to the hospital for a parathyroidectomy operation - a procedure in which one, or up to four, parathyroid glands are removed
Read moreAftercare advice following salivary gland / neck surgery including branchial cyst / neck node biopsy
Read moreAftercare advice following scopes (microlaryngoscopy, endoscopy / EUA of throat)
Read moreExplains an operation to remove part of the fixed stapes bone in the middle ear and replace it with a small teflon piston
Read moreExplains what happens during surgery to treat or explore an overactive thyroid gland, benign nodules or suspicion of cancerous cells in the thyroid gland
Read moreAftercare advice for patients who have had surgery to remove the whole or part of their thyroid
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