Click to view Emergency Department (A&E) waiting times
52 People
Number of people in A&E department
0:31 Hours
Average wait to be seen by a clinician
1:24 Hours
Average time in the department

Maternity family bays

Postnatal Ward

We are running a trial welcoming one supportive partner to stay with you outside of visiting hours and overnight in our family bays.

There are currently five Family Bay bed spaces available on Iffley Ward, and 4 beds on Marsh Ward for those coming to us for an elective caesarean birth. Iffley and Marsh are the wards where you will come if you need to stay in hospital after the birth.

The Family Bays are the only bays where one chosen partner can stay 24/7, it must be the same person throughout your stay. All other visitors must leave by 8.30pm and return after 8.30am. Partners can also stay in side-rooms which are given to those who need them based on various circumstances.

This is a pilot scheme, restrictions apply and family bays will be subject to availability. We reserve the right to ask partners to leave the wards and security will be notified that they may only return during visiting hours.

Find out about our family bays