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97 People
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1:11 Hours
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1:43 Hours
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Chief Nursing Officer Silver Award presented to nurse after 40 years service

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Sharon Herring, Associate Chief Nurse - Patient Experience, Workforce and Education, has been recognised for her work advocating for patient involvement, community engagement and equalities after receiving a Chief Nursing Officer Silver Award.

Dame Ruth May – Chief Nursing Officer for England – shared the news with Sharon, and was supported by Katie Prichard-Thomas, Chief Nursing Officer at the Trust, to present her with the award. The Silver Award is given to nurses who go above and beyond, demonstrate leadership in developing services for patients, and championing diversity and inclusion.

Sharon Herring, who has worked at the Trust for forty years, was nominated for; her work to develop our Junior Carer’s programme which is now in its sixth year; setting up our MEET PEET initiative to reach out to seldom heard groups within some of our most deprived communities; helping with our Seeking Sanctuary work to support asylum seekers and refugees who are pregnant; and setting up our Patient Leaders programme to encourage patients to become health-leader volunteers and act as advocates and critical friends in the Trust.

Additionally, she has looked for innovative ways to reduce the number of patients who do not attend (DNA) their appointments, working with them to reduce DNAs by 50% in some specialities.

On receiving the award, Sharon said: “I’m so immensely proud and honoured to receive this award. I owe a big thank you to the Trust for all the support and development invested in me over the years, the inspirational leaders who continually encouraged me, and finally the amazing teams I’ve worked with.”

Katie Prichard-Thomas, Chief Nursing Officer said: “Sharon is a force of nature. She is an inspiration not just to her colleagues and patients at the Royal Berks, but across our wider community and county. I’m so pleased that her work, and 40 years of service to the Trust and NHS, have been recognised. It’s a true pleasure to work alongside her. ”